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Wind Energy

Wind in My Community
If you are familiar with a community solar project, you […]

The Basics of Wind Energy
Wind energy is basically energy derived from wind that can […]
Climate In Depth

How Does A Solar-Powered Radio Work?
A simple solar-powered radio works with a small solar panel, radio, alligator clips, and a charge controller. The panel harvests solar power from direct sunlight, which charges the solar batteries. The latter, in turn. stores solar energy to power the battery. The charge controller regulates the amount of charge to the battery to prevent overcharging. In the 1950s, General Electric invented the first solar-powered radio. The solar radio is a battery-less radio that works by connecting the solar panel to the battery terminals of the radio. The radio has been an essential means of communication …

Three Environmental Benefits of Wind Energy
Wind energy is one of the sources of energy that are considered renewable. It is naturally occurring and totally accessible. Therefore, having an energy system that harnesses the power of wind can greatly contribute to the sustainability of electricity and to the preservation of the environment. 1. Reduction Of Carbon Footprint and Greenhouse Gases Wind energy systems rely solely on the power of the wind. Therefore, no fuels are burned, and no greenhouse gases are emitted. Compared to the output, the wind energy systems are significantly less than the coal-fired power plants but the carbon …

Silicon for Lithium Batteries Moves to Commercial Production
A company in the US called Group14 Technologies has announced the start of construction of a factory capable of manufacturing 120 tons of silicon carbon-based anode material annually. This material is commonly used for lithium-ion batteries. The said factory will be situated at the headquarters of Group14 in Woodinville, Washington. It will serve as the first of many factories planned to be built by the company. Before we continue with the Group14 batteries, let’s watch the video below that talks about the energy density of silicon batteries compared to others. Group14’s Batteries Group14 Technologies’ innovation, …

Solar Radio: The DIY Steps to Make One
Ever wonder how solar saved the radio? Solar power is an innovative option for powering gadgets and devices, such as the radio. By learning the process, you could bring your radio anywhere with you, even in places with no electricity, or you only have a limited supply of batteries. Before learning the process, here’s a look at what you are trying to achieve. A solar-powered radio is a portable radio device getting its power source from photovoltaic panels. This kind of device was first introduced in the 1950s as an experiment conducted by General Electric …

Increasing Renewable Energy
It is already a no-brainer on the benefits of renewable energy resources to our planet and the society. It reduces reliance on energy resources that can cause pollution in all aspects. Aside from that, the wastes like ash from coal-fired industries and radioactive waste from nuclear power plants contribute to the volume of problematic trash to handle. Having infrastructures that can harness the renewable energy resources are increasing and come in all sizes. Solar energy systems can be large like the solar farms or personalized for rooftop installations. Wind mills are truly massive structures that …

Looking Back at How Climate Change Altered the World in 2020
This year was filled with drastic changes that were mainly contributed by the coronavirus. As the health sector was affected, there was a climate crisis that led to unpredictable weather events. As industries and transportations took a break due to the imposed lockdowns rules, pollution decreased greatly. However, it is unfortunate that there was an increase in waste, specifically medical and residential waste. There can be no wonder that among the greenhouse gas emissions, NO2, or nitrous oxide, has become more abundant with a 30-percent growth from 1980 to 2016. With most people staying at …
Bio Energy

Bio-Energy Incompatible with Sustainable Production Study
Bioenergy holds a promise on being one of the top […]

Climate Change