The Ultimate Guide to 7 Renewable Energy Sources
Also known as alternative energy, renewable energy sources are those sources that do not run out since they are renewed by natural means. So far, there are 7 of them namely the following:
1. Solar Energy
Solar energy uses sunlight in order to ‘excite’ the solar panels. The said excitation will enable the electrons to move and its energy will be stored in the batteries.
2. Wind Energy
Wind energy uses the same concept with the current power plants. However, unlike current power plants that utilize fossil fuels, the wind energy system relies on wind. The wind’s force will rotate the windmill, which then rotate the generator’s shaft to produce energy.
3. Hydroelectric Power
Hydroelectric power has the same concept with wind energy systems. Since water is less ‘free’-moving than wind, dams are constructed in order to contain an inconsistent flowing river from an elevated place and exercise control to utilize its movement. For consistent running water wherein there is a waterfall at the end, dams are less used.
4. Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is harnessed on locations near the presence of volcanoes or fault lines. The heat from the core will boil the water fed by the system until it turns into steam.
5. Ocean Currents
Aside from rivers and waterfalls, oceans can be an energy source. Buoyant systems are installed in order to absorb the forces generated by the ocean currents.
6. Bioenergy
Bioenergy comes from biomass, which is derived from organic matter. The decomposition and incineration of such by-product can generate energy enough to substitute the steam from the conventional power plants.
7. Hydrogen
Hydrogen is a highly flammable element and it is the most abundant, universally speaking. It is now being used as fossil fuel substitutes and the extraction process will result to a production of more oxygen.