Community Solar Power Explained
With just the right size of solar panels and adequate room, you can easily build your own solar energy system. One great thing about the solar energy system is that its capability for expansion.
You can add more solar panels and connect more batteries. Soon, your neighbors will see your progress and start to emulate your actions. Since the said system has a high initial cost, you can choose to share it with someone who can’t afford to install them at first. This is what is called ‘community solar project’.
The community solar project is a solar energy system where many consumers share the output electricity. It is basically a mini-solar farm and the consumers can be residents, small businesses and public structures. The connections are similar to a grid, only that they are localized.
Users can track their consumption via ‘virtual net metering system’. In a community solar project, you can be involved as an owner, where you are one of the investors of the system. Alternatively, you can be a subscriber, where you benefit as a consumer without the hassles of installing and maintaining a solar panel.